School Uniform
We believe that a uniform dress code is an important part of a safe, orderly school environment where the focus is on student learning. A higher standard of dress encourages greater respect for individual students and others and results in a higher standard of behavior. Our dress code guidelines indicate appropriate school dress for normal school days.
Students are expected to follow these guidelines. Every student in attendance will wear a school uniform.
Uniform shirts are available with the following suppliers:
SP Uniforms
Address: Karama Gold Building - Shop M - 11 47C St - Al Karama - Dubai
Dubai 04 226 6188
Google Maps:
Failure to wear any part of the school uniform will result in disciplinary action – warning, detention, parent notification, etc.
ï‚· Hair: Hair must be neat, clean and properly tied up with no “unnatural” colors, i.e. bright colors.
o For Girls: Hair should be maintained with black clips, or soft black hair bands only. Braided hair must be neatly braided down and use black colored ribbons only.
o For Boys: Hair must be cut above the shirt collar not covering face or eyes.
ï‚· Shoes: Black Shoes shall be worn and be securely fastened to the feet and have a flat to low heel height. Students must wear closed shoes at all times, no “mules”, slippers or “slides”. White PE or Tennis shoes should be worn when students have PE in their timetable.
ï‚· Socks: Socks should be worn to avoid blistering of the heels and feet, white socks should be worn. Fishnet stockings and/or colored socks or other inappropriate leg wear is not acceptable.
ï‚· Shirts: Students may only wear school purchased shirts with School logo on it. During cooler weather, a plain long sleeve t-shirt in black or school colors may be worn underneath uniform shirts.
ï‚· Jackets: Black color (no writing or logo is permitted), zipper or button front, jackets may be worn in cool weather.
ï‚· Uniform Bottoms: Only black colored jeggings under regular school uniform but can’t be worn with PE shirts. Overly large, overly long, tight fitting attire is not acceptable. No cargo pants or capri slacks are permitted. No jeans of any color or style. Students are not allowed to wear jeggings, denims, and leggings. Ankles must be properly covered. School PE uniform is allowed only with approved trousers.
*PE uniform should be worn only on days when students have PE. All other days students are not allowed to wear PE uniform or combination of it with regular school uniform.
ï‚· Jewelry: Jewelry is limited to one (1) watch. Girls may wear two pair of stud-type approximately ¼ inch diameter earrings.
ï‚· Girls Uniform
In addition to the above, girls may not:
o Wear make-up other than clear lip gloss and light powder. Heavy make-up is not permitted. Make up that is found to be in students’ possession in school will be confiscated and student will be sent to the restroom to wash their face and be sent back to class
o Wear nail polish or keep long nails or wear artificial nails
o Have any visible body piercings or tattoos
o Bring hairspray of other hair products to school
ï‚· Boys Uniform
Male Students may only wear school purchased shirts. All shirts must be tucked in (front and back) and must have two of the buttons fastened.
All uniform attire requiring a belt must be worn with a belt (no designs or studs) through the belt loops (if applicable), worn at the natural waist, be in good repair and be of appropriate size. All pants shall be secured at the waist.
In addition to the above, boys may not have any visible body piercing or tattoos.
ï‚· Important Note for Science Classes
Many brands of hair styling products contain highly flammable chemicals, even when they are dry. It is advised that these should not be worn in Science classrooms as there is a risk of ignition from open flames.
ï‚· “Dress Down Days”
From time to time the school may permit students to wear informal clothing and not their school uniform all or in part to mark Special Days. Students are expected to comply with the same guidelines as expected during uniform days. Tank tops, low cut blouses, clothing with offensive symbols or writings and clothes with holes or tears etc. are not permitted. No skinny pants or jeans.